2 min read

Mary's Story: Excision Procedure Ends Years of Endometriosis Pain and Infertility

Mary's Story: Excision Procedure Ends Years of Endometriosis Pain and Infertility

From the time she was a teen, Mary struggled with monthly pelvic pain. As an adult, she was unable to get pregnant. Surgical ablation failed to treat Mary’s endometriosis. But SLUCare OB/GYN Dr. Patrick Yeung, Jr. treats endometriosis using laser excision, an alternative that changed Mary’s life forever.



I guess my story just begins with high school having really awful periods and I had a an ob/gyn and and she would listen to me every year complain about how I had really bad cramps how I was taking a lot of advil and so she never told me once about endometriosis what the symptoms were or worse what the repercussions were if it went untreated.
Dr Yeung: 
So endometriosis is where the cells which line the uterus in her shed during the period are found outside the uterus implanted on the peritoneum. I call that the wall paper the pelvis and that causes two main things pain and can affect fertility.
Now most people treat it by just burning it for lack of a
we decided as a couple that I would go out birth control
I guess about six weeks after the surgery, and sure enough before we even started really trying we've discovered we were already pregnant so went through the whole nine months pregnancy and now we have a baby girl! 
Dr. Yeung:
I really believe that endometriosis is under-diagnosed and under-treated it's thought to be in one in ten woman and can take up to 12 years to diagnose.  To take care of a patient who has had years of pain, poor quality of life, and do a procedure or do a surgery that can help them feel better have a better quality of life better relationships be able to get pregnant...
I'm gonna steal a phrase from my wife and say those things have eternal value. And so to do something that can really change their life or lead to a new life it's just awesome to be a part of.

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