Patient Stories

Jen Pav, with her husband and baby boy

My End of Endo by Jen Pav

I don’t know what you’re dealing with…but if you’re anything like me, you’re probably scared and in pain. You feel like you’re going crazy, and maybe you just want to give up. You probably feel so alone and like no one truly understands, like it’s...

Mary's Journey to healing Endometriosis.

Mary's Story: Excision Procedure Ends Years of Endometriosis Pain and Infertility

From the time she was a teen, Mary struggled with monthly pelvic pain. As an adult, she was unable to get pregnant. Surgical ablation failed to treat...

Conquering Endo by Brittany Pierson

It can be so scary and defeating living with endometriosis. There is so much pain, grief, loneliness, and shame as you battle it day in and day out....

Saved My Life by Lauren Rogerson

My name is Lauren, and I am from Canada's smallest province, Prince Edward Island. I am now 22 and healthy, but that wasn't always the case. By the...

Got My Life Back by Syndee Hughes

Before I found Dr. Yeung, I spent two years full of pain, sickness, debilitating symptoms, looked like I was 4 months pregnant all the time, and it...

No More Endo by Catherine Fulford

For 8ish years I was told by countless gynecologists that my non-existent periods and excruciating “period pain” were part of being a woman and that...

Saved My Ovaries and Fertility by Olivia Fisher

I used to believe that periods were always painful and that's just the way life was. I didn't know anything different and relied heavily on Ibuprofen...